| Badminton is a fascinating and challenging game, the second most popular sport in the world, after soccer. The sport that combines energy and tactic at the same time, was first played by people in the Asian region. Badminton is a very dynamic sport, hence only through advanced concept and technology, it is possible to put badminton robots into realization. Robocon Indonesia proudly brings up the spirit of sport through the theme of Robocon 2015 as "ROBOMINTON – BADMINTON ROBO-GAME ". This event will be the first Robo-Game ever that draws the theme of sports in the history of ABU Robocon, to encourage the youth to explore their talents in transforming robotic technology into this challenging game.
The official website
The theme rule of ABU ROBOCON 2015,
Download here!
Robotics University
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